Clinic Internship

Do you wish for a medical internship in a tropical setting? Or do you believe that God may be calling you to missions? The Corban Clinic in Oaxaca, Mexico is a great place for a Medical Missions Internship!

The Roca Blanca Mission Base provides a safe environment for Clinic interns. The team of veteran medical missionaries at Roca Blanca have many years of experience on the foreign field. They can mentor, proctor, and instruct, providing spiritual covering and practical guidance. There are tremendous doors of opportunity in Oaxaca for those looking for experience in a missions setting. The Roca Blanca Mission Base can facilitate an unforgettable and meaningful internship.

Because much of Oaxaca uses various languages groups and cultural settings, the cross-cultural experience is intense for interns and can serve them well anywhere that the Lord may send them.

Undergraduate and graduate students who are interested in a medical profession are welcome to spend a few weeks or an entire semester or more at Roca Blanca. Interns will shadow clinic staff and experience hands-on treatment in this developing region of Mexico. In addition to working in the Corban Clinic, interns will have the opportunity to participate in medical outreaches in other villages in the area.

Nicole Dum, Physicians Assistant student at UT Southwestern, came to the Corban Clinic as an intern, and had the following to say about her experience: “Serving at Roca Blanca for two weeks served as a dual purpose for me; I was not only fulfilling a clinical elective for physicians assistant school, but I was also given an opportunity to see people serve God through career missions. Observing the staff and students who live here allowed me to grow and understand more fully what it means to love the Lord passionately, whole-heartedly, and unashamedly. I will forever be indebted to the people at Roca for their friendships, prayers, and positive influence on my life. Being able to serve the patients at the Corban Clinic offered me an opportunity to show my gratitude and also share Christ’s love.”

Katelyn Shoe, a medical student at the Drexel University, came to Corban Clinic as an intern, and had the following to say about her experience: “Spending four months working at the Corban Clinic and traveling for mobile missions was truly a life changing experience. It was so beautiful to see how the Lord was using the volunteers and full time staff to bring Jesus to those who did not know him. Those four months enabled me not only to improve my Spanish and learn medicine but additionally showed me how to use my gifts in medicine to lead people to Christ. After spending time at Roca, I realized that the Lord was preparing my heart for the mission field and for a career as a family medicine physician. I am so thankful and praise the Lord for my time at Roca.”

The followings is a list of qualifications that we seek in our medical Interns:

  • Personal relationship with Jesus Christ
  • Strong work-ethic and a heart for helping those in need
  • Flexibility and willingness to live within another culture
  • Ability to speak Spanish (preferred)

Please contact us and/or send us an application if you are interested in serving as a medical intern for whatever length of time.  We would love for you to come and to minister with us in the Corban Clinic!


Internship Application

Corban Clinic Website

for additional information
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