My name is Alejandro Ramos Rosas. I am 32 years old and I’m from a small farming community just outside of the city of Puebla. This is also in the State of Puebla, which neighbors Oaxaca. I came to the Roca Blanca Mission Base 3 years ago. At the beginning of my second year of Bible School we were given the opportunity to receive 6 hours of training each week to gain a trade while attending Bible classes. One of the workshops being offered was a welding course. This is the course that I committed to take.
When I began these classes during my second year, I had no working knowledge of welding. During that year I learned everything from how to read a tape measure, drawing and designing plans, estimating project costs, basic tools of the trade and spent many hours behind a hood practicing my ARC welding techniques.
I am currently finishing my 3rd year of Bible School. While serving in my mission church, the Lord stirred in my heart to construct metal doors and windows for this unfinished building. This has been my welding project this year through the Roca Blanca Trade School. With Trade School donations and the help of my instructor, Amado, I have been fabricating and installing these window and doors in Loma Bonita (Beautiful Hill) Church! I am continuing to work on these to see it through to completion.
I am so thankful for this opportunity to learn this skill of welding. I feel a call to Pastor a church, and most Pastors here must be bi-vocational. I can see how this trade will help me meet my own needs while being able to also serve the needs of others. Will you please pray for me and the future that God has for me, while I prepare to serve Him with my whole heart wherever He leads me.
Roca Blanca Trade School is committed to training Gospel ministers with a viable trade so they can support themselves in the ministry. BECOME A TRADE SCHOOL SUPPORTER TODAY!
Your testimony is inspiring. I love to hear how trade school is a part of equipping the saints to go forth in the LORD. May GOD bless you.