![Versión 2 CAMP Tech Student](https://rocablanca.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Restoration_of_Worship-CAMP_Roca_Blanca-05.jpg)
God is restoring altars of worship and intercession around the world, priests with harps in their hands and prayers in their hearts, ready to establish his kingdom on this earth. At CAMP (House of Worship & Prophetic Music) we have seen the grace and favor of God in each of our disciples, people who are dedicating their lives and their youth to the service of Jesus for the extension of His kingdom.
This profession is being restored as in the old days where for generations the work of the Levites was to minister to the Lord and bless the people, fathers and sons taking turns in the tabernacle. Through the years this work was lost but today just as people go to university and prepare to be accountants, lawyers, teachers, etc. we are seeing young people dedicating their lives as a profession to the ministry of the Lord.
![Restoration_of_Worship-CAMP_Roca_Blanca-04 CAMP Piano Student](https://rocablanca.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Restoration_of_Worship-CAMP_Roca_Blanca-04.jpg)
![Restoration_of_Worship-CAMP_Roca_Blanca-03 CAMP Drum Student](https://rocablanca.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Restoration_of_Worship-CAMP_Roca_Blanca-03.jpg)
This school year we have 30 disciples in CAMP, all in connection with the local church. We anticipate the movement of the Holy Spirit in each heart to be able to have strong roots in the foundations of each one of them and that in this way they can develop and grow as trees of righteousness planted and bearing much fruit until the Lord returns.
![Restoration_of_Worship-CAMP_Roca_Blanca-02 CAMP Violin Student](https://rocablanca.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Restoration_of_Worship-CAMP_Roca_Blanca-02.jpg)
It costs Roca Blanca Missions $250 dollars a month per student. We only charge each student $150 dollars a month and look for generous people like yourself to become a Student Sponsor for $100 a month. CAMP currently has 5 students that need a sponsor. Would you prayerfully consider becoming a Student Sponsor for $50 or $100 dollars a month?
Click on Give Now and then in the drop down menu “Sponsor A Student”.
Click on DONATE – We count it a privilege when you co-labor with us in making disciples.