Hello, my name is Adriana Infanzon, Dentist in charge of the dental area at the Corbin Medical Ministry at the Roca Blanca Mission Base. We serve all the people from this region who come to request dental services. In many towns there is no dentist nearby, and they come here looking for a solution to their multiple problems in her mouth.
Most come for severe pain, dental extractions, and fillings, among other things. We also carry out medical-dental brigades, together with evangelism to people in the towns with great spiritual and medical needs.
Two and a half years ago the Lord Jesus allowed me with great effort to finish a course to perform dental surgeries. Currently we perform third molar surgery, for a very affordable price.
In January of this year, I finished a course in Pediatric Dentistry to work with children. Previously, many children were referred to a specialist for treatments, but unfortunately the parents could not take them because the treatments are very expensive. Now we have the ability and tools to care for these children here at the clinic and alleviate many of their problems.
It has been a great challenge, but every effort has been worth it to extend the kingdom of God here on earth.
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