On Saturday, January 30, 2021 Duane and Susan Kershner, founders of the Roca Blanca Missions Base, received the Doctor Honoris Causa (Honorary Doctorate) from the University of Chiapas, a Christian University for “their laudable mission to announce the good news of salvation in 31 years of ministerial service, and founders of the Roca Blanca Missions Base on the coast of Oaxaca, Mexico. This has contributed to the growth of evangelical Christianity”.
Dr. Cesar Bernardino Serrano Nucamendi, the Institutional Rector; Pastor Amilcar Cruz Sarmiento, Academic Coordinator of the Theological Faculty, and Licenciado Joel Jiménez Lang, Advisor and Liaison, each one faculty members of the University of Chiapas came to the Roca Blanca Missions Base to preside over the ceremony of honoring Duane & Susan.
The University faculty members were also accompanied by the missionaries Laura Pratt Nelson, Georgina Gaxiola and Charles Norton in honoring the Kershners. In addition to the ceremony, we celebrated a time of worship and thanksgiving to the Lord Jesus Christ for His faithfulness over these last 31 years. Pastor Amilcar said, “A man or woman is not from where they are born but where they are made” and the Kershners have been made by the Lord here in Mexico.
One particularly important part of their trip, in addition to honoring Duane & Susan, was to confirm the relationship between our Victory Bible Institute and the University of Chiapas. Through the University of Chiapas, students who have their high school diploma and study the three years of the Bible School at Roca Blanca will now be able to graduate with an undergraduate degree in Theology.
Pastor Duane shared in gratitude that twelve years ago Gina had mentioned various times to Duane that we needed a university here, and now it is coming into being. Roca Blanca Staff members and pastors who have their high school diploma and have graduated from the Bible School will also be able to work towards their degree in Theology. This is important as soon the Mexican government will be requiring that pastors have a degree in Theology to be able to work as a pastor.
We praise God for His faithfulness!
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Congratulations Uncle Duane and Aunt Sue on your honorary degrees! What a well-deserved recognition! PTL