The Roca Blanca Mission Base receives guests who desire to come and be a part of the work in a more personal way, and is also thoroughly blessed by those who simply wish to help in any way they can. Whatever talent or gift that the Lord has given can be useful in one area or another, from medical to ministry, construction to vacation Bible schools, music to computer technician work; more ways than can possibly be listed here. Take a look at some of most common ways that people are able to get involved, a blessing to our area’s unreached people groups:
- Come with a church group to assist with village ministry
- Come with a medical team to work in the Corban Clinic or villages throughout Oaxaca
- Come assist with teaching in the Bible School
- Come be a part of building projects on the base
- Come and see the base to better understand the ministry and see where your financial support is being used
- Come for missionary training and discipleship
- Help the Corban Medical Clinic to purchase of medical and dental equipment and the medicines needed to do their village medial brigades
- Do a missionary or medical internship working on the mission base or in the Clinic
- Assist with building new local churches (including church planting teams)
- Assist with new buildings and additions/renovations in areas that cant afford to build otherwise
Under the Get Involved tab above are options with more detail. Come be a part as the Lord leads. Join us in reaching and equipping the Indigenous of Oaxaca!

Some Opportunities to Serve