As you look at our staff pictures and listen to a Christmas carol sung by the Multigrade High School Choir, we want to thank you for your participation with us throughout this last year. In this Christmas season we celebrate the coming of “Immanuel – God with us”. Jesus also said in his last words to his disciples, as He commissioned them to extend his kingdom by making disciples of all nations, that He would be with them always to the end of the age (Matthew 28:20). When we are involved in making disciples, we experience the presence of Immanuel!
We want to thank you for your participation with us in discipleship making during this last year. Our prayer is that you experience the presence of Immanuel in your family and your day-to-day life in a real and tangible way during this next year.
Principal Base Leadership
Sergio, Chavy & Chely, Juan & Ale, David & Laura, Charles & Eli, Elieser & Becky, Socorro
CAMP (House of Prophetic Worship & Music)
Javier, Shadaí, Ruben, Sandy, Director – Sergio, Alejandra, Pepe, Neftali, and Adan
Bible School 2 / 3
Eva, Adriana, Isai, Directors (3) Chavy and Chely, Directors (2) Aby and Avelino (with Ezdras), Daniela, and Belen.
Bible School 1
Armando, Exain, Directores Juan Carlos y Ale, Chely and Aby.
New Day Children's Home
Rene & Vicky and their son Aaron and our 12 children: Belen, Diana, Flor, Alfredo, Belinda, Luis, Carmelita, Maria, Deira, Irlanda, Marco and the newest member Matias.
Guest Services
Lourdes, Sobe, Nahum (y Amiel)
Corban Medical Ministry
Soledad, Lucy, Adriana, Griselda, Director Laura, Dr. Enver and Karen, Betty, Eloina, Chano and Anna.
Fountain of Grace
Socorro, Monica, Director – Pastor Duane, Avelino, Eva.
Kitchen Staff
Felicitas, Evelyn, Alejandra, Minerva, Chef – Salvador, Jenny, Eugenia, Elidia.
Multigrade Bilingual School
Yani, Iliana, Jessica, Beth, Sarai, Lucas, Director Paloma, Abdias, Grace, Dana, Guille, Grecia.
Trade School Teachers
Irvin and Maria, MaryLou, Mimi, Amado, Director Steve, David.
Administration and Multimedia
Fidel and Monica (Multimedia), David, Delia, Judith, Directors – Becky and Elieser, Tere, Alejandra and Andres, Benji, (not pictured Veronica).
Grounds and Maintenance
Raimundo, Julio, Rey, Jesus, Gamaliel, Director – Andres, David, Julio, Valentin, Bartolo, Tino, Vidal.
Base Store
Hermana Cris and Anna
Click on DONATE – We count it a privilege when you co-labor with us in making disciples.
I thank God for Roca Blanca Mission Base and al of God’s special servants who are anointed and called to serve in this blessed place!!! This place releases a bright light of God’s Glory into the earth! May God continue to strengthen and prosper His work in Roca Blanca!!
We missed you this year. Hope to see you soon!
It is with gratitude to God for the growth and miracles of “The Base” that I wish you all a Merry Christmas. We have enjoyed the privilege of involvement from almost the beginning. So many of these wonderful people in the pictures we have come to know and love. My only regret is that we have not be able to spend more of our time and efforts with you over the years. But God’s plan is perfect and look what he has done, miracle after miracle we have witnessed.
Thank you to all of you for answering his call and creating this paradise on earth while we await his coming.
Always a pleasure to have you visit and help in Medical Ministry!