At the beginning of the month of September, all our children began their classes in the Multigrade School, each one at their respective level. We thank God for the people who supported us to buy school supplies, as we were able to purchase all their school supplies and materials!

Dulce, who is eight years old, despite the condition in which she arrived here, finished her kindergarten, and went on to first grade! Belinda is 14 years old, and Deira is 13 years old; they entered our bilingual high school. Marcos, who turned 15, despite the difficulties he has had in learning, was able to go into the Spanish High School program. We thank God that our children are moving forward with their studies and managing to get ahead despite the conditions in which they arrived here at the home.

In the same way we are also super proud of Diana who is 19 years old and Luis, who is 17 years old, who made the decision to study the Bible School here at the Roca Blanca Mission Base.  Following is Diana’s testimony:

At the beginning of the school year, the hand of the Lord was manifested so visibly in me when I understood the power of the blood of Jesus, and I was baptized in water and in the Holy Spirit. The most surprising thing was when I received the Holy Spirit; It was a wonderful experience!  I began to pray asking that He come into my life, but I did not feel anything.  I saw how He manifested himself in some of my fellow students, but I felt nothing. At that moment the pastor said: It’s not possible to receive the Holy Spirit if the house (heart) is dirty, because his holiness does not dwell in dirt”.  I began to cry out to God praying for deliverance, to take out the garbage that is in me.  At that moment I heard a voice that said “God has nothing for you, that’s why you get nothing”.  It was the voice of the enemy, and I began to rebuke him and continued crying out. 

Diana being Baptized

Then I heard in my heart 2 Chronicles 7:14 “if my people humble themselves…” I decided to humble myself and I got down on my knees and crying out once more, the Holy Spirit descended on me.  He took everything out and literally I vomited a very dark color due to all the bitterness that was inside of me. I was released and forgave everything, I asked for forgiveness and now I am free. I started speaking in spiritual tongues and the Holy Spirit was manifested. It was such a supernatural experience and I hope it’s not the last one. I am very happy and grateful to Daddy for all the miracles that He is doing and will continue to do in my life. My focus is on Jesus, knowing him and having an intimate relationship with Him.

This is the reason we continue to work with all our children, because we see what Jesus does in their lives and that He has a purpose for them.  We appreciate the support you have given us to continue caring for each child that He brings to the Casa Hogar Nuevo Día.


Rene Vasquez Morales
Virginia Carmona Rural

Marcos in High School Uniform

It costs us $280 dollars a month for each child.  Your help is appreciated!

Watch a Video of the Builders at the Base.


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