Since the beginning of the medical ministry at Roca Blanca, we have had the vision for training local young people in health care.  We have trained numerous young people on the job here in the clinic, but we believe it is time for a formal nursing school!  We plan to use a large space offered to us by the Trade School in their new building that is under construction to develop a professional Nursing School and a Health Workshop for Bible School Students.


Nursing School

Purpose of the Nursing School:

  • To form professional nurses, with Christian foundations.
  • Use the nursing training to carry the Gospel to needy regions and communities.
  • For students to have the incentive of receiving professional registered nursing training to be able to work in the health profession.

To whom is this school directed:

  • Youth within the Misión Victoria Association of Churches who have completed high school and who have a call to serve God in health care.
  • Christian youth who come with a pastoral recommendation and a call to serve God.
Nursing School Project
Health Care Teaching #2

Health Workshop for Bible School Students

Purpose of the workshop:

  • To encourage good health care practices.
  • To form medical staff who are able to help in medical brigades and who can help in their communities with basic knowledge in taking vital signs, doing wound care, and application and administration of medicines.

To whom is this training directed?

  • To all Bible School students who desire to have a basic knowledge of health care and do not need a course with curricular value.

We would invite you to prayerfully consider participating with us in this vision by giving.

To complete this vision, we need to finish the construction of this area of the Trade School building.  The estimate is $50,000 US dollars to finish the basic construction. We look forward to continuing to partner with you in extending the Gospel through Medical Missions and Healthcare Education in southern Mexico!

You can send your checks to:

Roca Blanca Missions, 2228 Dover Dr., Hutchinson, KS 67502

Write in the Memo line “Nursing School”

Send Checks to:

Roca Blanca Missions
2228 Dover Drive
Hutchinson, Kansas  67502

Write in the Memo line “Nursing School”

Listen to Manuel Sarabio


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