This year Manuel Salvador Peña and Araceli Merino Hernandez are the directors of the three-year Bible Institute (VBI) with 93 disciples. Sergio Cruz Cruz is the director of the three-year House of Worship & Prophetic Music (CAMP) with 41 disciples, the largest group ever! 134 Total disciples in the Victory Training Center! There are students from all over Mexico as well as the USA, Moldova, and China!
Our hope this year is to cultivate a family atmosphere of faith in our community that will allow us to be transparent in our relationships with one another while each one of us is reaching maturity in Christ and seeing the fulfillment of His purpose in our lives.
As a Training Center, we are called to be part of the formation and training of each life that God has entrusted us with this year. With much faith and pleasure, we do it once again.
We still lack Sponsors for Disciples. Click on SPONSOR A DISCIPLE and join with us in making disciples of all nations.