VBI 2 Directors

On January 31, 2022, we begin the third period of studies in Second Year Bible School.  We are very expectant of what God is doing in each disciple. It is a time of practice where they are discovering their potential and their gifts in a specific way.

Each disciple is participating in a very real way at the Fountain of Grace Ministry, counseling, praying for and loving the people in need.  They are also teaching their lessons that they have developed in the “Foundations for Teaching” class. Each student must develop 10-12 lessons on a topic and each lesson lasts 50 minutes.

At this point in the school year, each disciple can choose the ministerial path of their calling (lead pastor, youth pastor, adolescents and children ministry) in order to develop it in the mission field or their local church.

Avelino Teaching VBI 2
VBI 2 Disciples Studying

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