We begin this new school year with great expectations. We have seen God’s faithfulness to be able to finish classrooms and a new room to receive more girls! In total, we have 34 students, 21 for the first year and 13 for the second year, a new dorm pastor, a dorm pastor for the boys, and 6 additional teachers. By faith, we have enlarged the tents and moved the stacks to embrace the increase that God is bringing. Although we were not able to accept everyone who applied for the High School this year, we remain hopeful that we will soon have facilities large enough to receive more kids from Oaxaca.

In these first weeks we have given glory to God for the second-year students when we hear their testimonies about how their lives changed since the last year and exhorting the first-year students to focus on growing in their spiritual and academic lives. The first-year youth are mostly of the Chatino ethnic group and represent the harvest of several generations reached for Christ. Others come from states up to 12 hours away in search of complete intellectual and spiritual preparation.
We are grateful to all who have joined in prayer for this new school year, and we ask that you continue to pray specifically for an awakening in those whose faith is not in Christ. Pray for the teachers so that they may be filled with the Spirit to not only transmit information but wisdom from God. Pray also for the team of pastors so that they receive divine revelation and love since they are the ones who watch over the life of each young person.
God bless you and may you receive the mercy and peace of the Lord.

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