Our Mission
The Mission of the Roca Blanca Mission Base is to first minister to the spiritual, physical, and emotional needs of our area, then to reach the unreached people in the state of Oaxaca, the country of Mexico, and the world with the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. We strive to accomplish this by:
- Evangelizing through compassionate outreaches
- Training national leaders
- Planting local churches led by trained nationals
- Providing a location for retreats and conferences for nationals
- Receiving ministry and medical teams from inside and outside of Mexico
- Sending missionaries throughout Mexico and the World
Mission statistics show that the state of Oaxaca, Mexico has the greatest concentration of unreached peoples groups in all of the Americas: 16 major tribes with 155 dialects. For centuries the rugged Sierra Madre Mountains and coastal regions of Oaxaca have been dominated by idolatry, witchcraft, poverty and disease.
The primary language spoken is Spanish, with many indigenous groups who speak their own languages. These groups differ greatly from one another culturally. Catholicism is very predominant in the area and is often heavily mixed with witchcraft and idolatry. This area is very poor with the majority of people’s income coming from working small plots of land.
Today, the Roca Blanca Mission Base is reaching into these unreached areas. By extending compassion and humanitarian aid through medical outreaches, food and clothing distribution, and community development projects, the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ is demonstrated and shared with the people.
At this time we have 50+ congregations in various regions of Oaxaca led by graduates from our Victory Bible Institute. New disciples are being made and new churches planted every year through the labor of each zone’s pastors, present year Bible students, and the graduates from years past.
Join with us in our mission of spreading the Gospel by supporting the Roca Blanca ministry!