"Making disciples of all nations"

Duane & Sue Kershner, Founders

Reaching the People of Oaxaca, Mexico

Bible School Graduation

CAMP - Music School Class

Reaching the Children of Oaxaca

Casa Hogar - Childrens Home

Corban Clinic - medical services

Welcome – here’s a little about us…

The mission of Roca Blanca Mission Base (RBMB) is to “make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19) – first in Oaxaca, Mexico and then beyond.

RBMB is located in Oaxaca, Mexico, which has the greatest concentration of unreached people groups in all of the Americans. RBMB is reaching into these unreached areas with the Gospel of Jesus Christ through medical outreaches, food and clothing distribution, community development projects, and church planting.

At the heart of the mission of the RBMB is the discipleship and training of students. At this time we have 60+ churches in various regions of Oaxaca led by graduates from our Bible Schools. New disciples are being made and new churches planted every year by our graduates.  We have over 200 students every year kindergarten through the third year of our Bible School being discipled and trained to be effective witnesses for Christ.

We invite you to join with us in our mission of spreading the Gospel by supporting the ministry of the Roca Blanca Missions Base! If you would like to sponsor one of our students or sow into the mission work here in Oaxaca, Mexico simply – CLICK HERE.

For general information about our areas of ministry you can click on the tabs above. For more specific information most areas will have further tabs in their drop down menus. Please contact us at rocablancamissions@gmail.com if there’s anything you’d like to know that you don’t find in these pages! Pray with us about all that you see, and give glory to our great God for it all!

Current Opportunities to Give and to Serve

Short Term Teams/Service

You and your team have the opportunity to minister to and bless some of the poorest regions in all of Mexico. Click on the photo for more information…

Sponsor a Bible Student

One of the most profound ways to impact Oaxaca is through supporting a student in the Victory Bible Institute. Click on the photo for more information…

Missions Internship

We provides a safe environment for interns, those who have a passion to minister to the unreached. Click on the photo for more information… 

Corban Medical Ministry

Be involved in bringing healing and the gospel. You can have a profound impact on the indigenous of Oaxaca! Click on the photo for more information…

Amigo Club

Amigos of Roca Blanca are those who help support our ministry, impacting Oaxaca and Mexico for the kingdom of God. Click on the photo for more information…

Trade School

Trade School equips ministers to provide for their families and serve their communities while continuing their ministry. Click on the photo for more information…

Weeks for Life

The Mission Inn is a source of revenue to help fund the base ministries through a program called “Weeks for Life.” Click on the photo for more information…

House of Prayer

Are you an intercessor and believe in the power of prayer? We believe God still appoints people to this task today. Click on the photo for more information…


The world agenda to teach children immorality and ungodliness has spread worldwide and has been introduced in Mexico as well. ​​The Alas Project (Proyecto Alas) works with local churches in indigenous villages that want to educate their own children by helping them...


My name is Alejandro Meléndez.  I am from the city of Querétaro, and I am currently in the 3rd year of Music School, but how did I get here? The story goes back approximately 4 years, when I took the university entrance exam, but I couldn’t study because of the...


In this second week of missions, we began to work with the churches that make up the Pinotepa region, which is pastored by the zone pastor, Amílcar. We went to the town of Tulixtlahuaca. We went to evangelize house by house and to invite all the young people and...


(JUNE 2024) PRAYER Pray for Graduation Day (July 5th) – more than a day of celebration of having completed three years of training, it is a day of sending disciples into their area of service. Pray for the anointing to send workers into the harvest field and guidance...

HEALING THE BROKEN HEARTED – Missions in La Boquilla by Ángel Abraham Cornelio Torres

La Boquilla Chicometepec, Oaxaca, is a village of African descendants. They received us, a student-led mission team from Roca Blanca, during the month of April. The work that we’re doing is to strengthen this mission that is in the process of becoming a church. It’s...

Please consider helping us make and equip disciples among the indigenous of Oaxaca.

Please feel free to fully browse our website and see how you may be a part! Thank you.
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