Adopt A Bible School Disciple

One of the most profound ways that you can impact the state of Oaxaca is through Adopting A Disciple in the Victory Bible Institute at Roca Blanca. Disciples in Bible School receive training in scripture, music, and a Trade and use this knowledge to either set up new churches or revive existing churches throughout Mexico. To date, 50+ churches have been set up as a result of Bible and Music School graduates, and this could not be done without the help of you.

By committing to Adopt A Disciple for $100/month, you invest in the life of a specific individual.  While disciples pay for a small portion of their training ($150/month), their contribution does not cover the actual costs of preparing them to spread the gospel. These disciples will go on to be pastors, evangelists, teachers, worship leaders, children’s directors, and missionaries throughout Mexico and the world.

Your contributions support the Bible school disciples by providing the following:

  • Housing in a student dormitory
  • 3 meals a day
  • Training resources (notebooks, textbooks, supplies)
  • Water and electricity costs associated with each disciple
  • Guest speakers to provide insight and encouragement for spiritual growth
  • Freedom for disciples to invest in their home churches without being burdened financially

Most of the disciples have been selected by their pastors as those most likely to help in the work, begin and pastor new church plants, and carry the Mexican church of Oaxaca and beyond to new heights of fruitfulness. These young men and women are thrilled at what God will do through them in the years to come!

Please consider adopting one or more of these Bible school students, investing in the future of Oaxaca for the kingdom of God!

Adopt A Disciple
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