Corban Clinic Expansion
In May of 2013, we broke ground at the site of the new Clinic Expansion! The location is just across the road from the present clinic, and has greatly increased the space available for our medical/dental/ and eye care ministries. The medical area has increased from only one examination room to three exam rooms, allowing multiple physicians to work at the same time in the case of visiting teams and medical brigades.
There is also a dedicated prayer and counseling room (our evangelist often had to hang sheets to make a temporary prayer room before), a procedure and treatment room, a laundry room and an area for sterilization of instruments, a much needed classroom for our community health students, visiting nurse students from US universities, and a more spacious dental room (the previous room was quite crowded with the necessary dental equipment and chairs). A new dental chair and equipment has been recently added as well thanks to the generosity of supporting churches and individuals. Thanks be to our matchless Provider!
We have now completed the construction of the both floors. Funds were raised for each phase as we progressed, and are currently raising funds to be able to fully furnish the first floor with additional medical equipment. We are excited to see this project coming together. The second floor is now almost to entirely finished with apartments for visiting physicians and teams, new facilities as well, a common kitchen, and apartment for our Clinic doctor and family.
We are very grateful to Drs. Dave and Mary Kay Ness of Honeoye Falls, New York, who have donated many hours to this project, heading up the fundraising and also helping in planning. And to Ralph and Ann Classen from Meade, Kansas, who have donated time and talents to help plan and furnish the new building. The design is optimum for our ongoing purposes, meeting needs for the present and foreseeable future as well.
We’ve also begun to work with excellent donated audio equipment to provide hearing aids to our many hearing impaired patients. And a Mexican ophthalmologist comes for a week every other month to treat and screen eye patients. Our next large project is to build an outpatient surgery suite for cataract and pterygium, as well as other local anesthetic interventions.
On the right are some photos of the completed foundation, with a view of the first Clinic building, and of the finished first floor, and the finished Clinic in use with both floors. We began to move in some equipment for immediate use early in 2015, and inaugurated the building in October of 2016. If you’re interested in knowing more about these projects, helping toward their completion, or helping furnish it with medical furniture and equipment, then please contact the Drs. Ness from their blog page here, Ness blog. Or you can interact with us by means of the Contact link above. We would be honored by your participation for the ever present medical needs and expanding training needs of our region!