A Harvest Festival
Pray for the Harvest
Thank you for joining forces with us! There are various needs:
1- Financial Provision: The cost of the event is approximately $150,000. The event is free for everyone to attend and the churches have raised funds to make this possible. So far we have raised more than half of the budget, but we are still missing about $60,000 to reach our goal.
2- Laborers: Because the event attracts between 4,000 – 6,000 people, we need a lot of helping hands organizing and coordinating all of the aspects of the event. We estimate that we need about 450 laborers out of which, we have about 200 confirmed so far.
3- Weather: Our rainy season is typically from May – August, however, this year it was delayed. We have experienced heavy rains up until November, which flooded the property. The land needs to be prepared, lawns mowed and cleaned for people to camp and for the tents for auditoriums to be set up without mud. We need the land to dry quickly and for the rain to stop (at least temporarily), so that we may have the time to work the land.
Please help us pray for God to work miracles to supply these needs! We are currently holding group prayer sessions every day which you could join from your own place. We have sessions at 5 AM, 10 AM, 3 PM and 10 PM. Let us know you are praying with us by submitting the form below.
Thank you for your support!