Greetings to everyone! My Name is Cesar Ulises Zurita, and I am from San Juan Quiahije, Oaxaca, Mexico, a Chatino village. I’m currently studying in the Roca Blanca Mission Base, in the third year of Bible School.

Bible School has been a challenging time and an adventure with the Holy Spirit. He has taken me many different places and I’ve met many different people. It has been challenging because it was hard to leave my comfort zone and learn to trust Him and depend on Him in every aspect of life. Like the Word says, “Deny yourself, take up your cross and follow me”. It’s not easy to follow and die from what you love to do and give it all to the Lord.  It hurts, but I don’t regret it. Like Paul says in 2 Timothy 1:12 “This is why I suffer as I do.  But I am not ashamed, for I know whom I have believed, and I am convinced that he is able to guard until that day what has been entrusted to me.” That is my security, that one day I’ll see face to face the one who loves me, Jesus Christ.

Cesar Cooking

As a student I’m serving in “Fountain of Grace” ministry, a healing and deliverance ministry. Level 2 and 3 disciples serve in this ministry. Bible School has helped me a lot to find out more of how God wants me to live. Now that I’m about to graduate, God has shown me that the next step is to keep doing His work wherever I go, in my local church, and in the Roca Blanca Mission Base; to keep practicing and being rooted in what I have learned during these past 3 years. I want to be part of what God is doing in this generation and help others to get to know Him.

Cesar Ulises Zurita

Student Sponsors are those that parnter with us at $50 or $100 dollars a month to help disciples study at Roca Blanca Mission Base where lives are changed every year.

Listen to Manuel Sarabio
(Roca Worship Leader)


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