Pilgrim Center for Reconciliation Mission Team

We are Ben & Hannah Clark are we are celebrating one year of hosting Short Term Mission Teams at the Roca Blanca Mission Base. Pictured here are most of the teams we’ve had the joy of hosting thus far! Please believe with us for more teams this next year. It means more impact, more love, more family, and more missions, which means more people’s lives are affected by the Gospel!
This last year these teams affected 19 different villages doing the following works:
-Building a basketball court for the Base schools.
-Medical ministry in villages and at the Corbin Clinic.
-Children’s Ministry in villages and with the New Day Children’s Home.
-Food distribution.
-Planting a garden.
-Prayer ministry.
-Teaching in the Multigrade School.
-Teaching in the Trade School.
-Hosting a Woman’s Conference.
-Hosting a Staff Retreat.
-Ministry to Zone Pastors.
-Construction Projects.
-Ministry to Local Churches.
-Woman’s Clothing distribution for staff and students.
-Organized a Baby Shower for a pregnant staff member.
-Base Maintenance and efficiency updates.
Wow! So much done for the Glory of the King! We have lots of openings for you and your team to come be part of what God is doing here. We’ll take good care of you! If you are interested in bringing a team let us know. It will change your life! Contact Ben & Hannah Clark: rocaguests@gmail.com
Click on GIVE – We count it a privilege when you co-labor with us in making disciples.