My name is Alejandro Ramos, and I am a missionary in the community of La Boquilla Chicometepec. La Boquilla is a place of Afro-Mexican descent. For many years these people have suffered much captivity in all areas – physical, emotional, and spiritual. For many generations they have been living under the shadow of death.
We were sent to La Boquilla because it is in God’s heart to establish his kingdom and reveal salvation through Jesus Christ to this people. We are walking on the prophecy given by God that The Mission Base is the “South Gate” to Mexico. Years ago, God put the state of Guerrero in the heart of Pastor Duane. La Boquilla is still in Oaxaca, but it is an Afro-Mexican town that can open other Afro-Mexican towns in the direction of Guerrero.
What we are doing at La Boquilla is evangelizing, discipling, and pastoring. We are working with children, adolescents, young people and couples and the vision is to raise a church led by the knowledge of God and the fire of the Holy Spirit.
We started visiting La Boquilla on April 7, 2022, and on March 5, 2023 we had our first Sunday meeting! We are working with 20 adults, 7 youth, 30 adolescents and 30 children. Now we are seeing how people are opening their hearts to the gospel and being transformed by the power of God!
You Can Participate
On April 13-15, Roca Blanca Missions with second year Bible School students, Fountain of Grace and the Corban Medical Ministry will be doing a three day Evangelistic Outreach in La Boquilla, Oaxaca with the Afro-Mexican communities around La Boquilla. During the day there will be free medical Outreach showing the love of Christ, praying for people and presenting the Gospel. In the evenings there will be Evangelistic Crusades with the preaching of the Gospel and praying for miracles and salvations. We will be using our new Tent and our own Audio system, but even so, the cost will be around $5,000. dollars. We already have $1,500! Will you prayerfully consider becoming part of the Harvesting Team and give towards the La Boquilla Evangelistic Campaign?
Give to the La Boquilla Evangelistic Campaign and help harvest souls!