Duane greeting new disciples

The Bible Institute shares with great joy that we received 101 disciples from the three levels who will study this school year! In First Year, we received 42 disciples; In Second Year, we received 39 disciples; In Third Year, we receive 20 disciples.

Within the different levels, we have disciples who come from various states of the Mexican Republic such as Guerrero, Veracruz, Puebla, Pachuca, Sonora, Campeche, Tabasco, Chiapas, and Oaxaca (from different ethnic groups such as the Mixtecos, Chatinos, Zapotecos, Mestizos).

The disciples of First Year will begin their process of being grounded in the basic principles of the Word of God, their identity in Christ, their inner healing, and much more. Our approach with them is to minister and work with who they are in their person.

Second Year disciples will focus on knowing and being ministered to by the person and gifts of the Holy Spirit and thus be able to collaborate with the Holy Spirit in ministry to others.

The Third Year disciples training focus is 100% for the ministry. They will also be working directly in ministering to the different needs of people. Additionally, at all three levels, disciples will be sent to work each weekend in the ministry of a local church.

Within the group of disciples, we have pastoral couples who have come to study and train, to be able to do the work of the ministry better and be refreshed.

Our staff is very expectant and praying to see God work in the hearts of the disciples, so that through them, many more can know the Lord Jesus! It is a joy to be able to serve the king of kings, the people of God, and society, with the work that God has entrusted to us, “MAKING DISCIPLES, WHO MAKE MORE DISCIPLES.”

Students Worshiping

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