Atoyac Children Ministry
Children in Atoyac
Atoyac Mission Team
Children responding in Atoyac
Puppet ministry in Atoyac

Our experience began at the end of the devotional on April 5 when we met brother Elias Vasquez and others from the congregation who picked us up at Roca Blanca. From the moment we packed our bags, the adventure began. Despite having left as early as possible, we didn’t arrive in Atoyac, Veracruz until 12 midnight. Sunday was our presentation to the church and during the service God manifested Himself in a great way and used our lives to bring deliverance and His Spirit to the brothers and sisters of the congregation.

Monday was a day of rehearsals and preparation of the materials that would be used in the events of the week.

On Tuesday we had community service evangelism, cleaning up the municipal basketball court. We were able to share the Good News with the people at the court. Each Tuesday in the congregation there is a prayer meeting, where we support and put ourselves at the disposal of the Pastor for the service.

On Wednesday morning we went to a place called Caballo Blanco, where the church is opening a new cell group.  To get there we traveled by bicycle along a very pleasant but challenging road. When we arrived, the Pastor surprised us with a delicious shrimp head broth, typical of the area. Once we were recharged with energy, we went to the village basketball court to do a children’s event and a public event. Around 50 people between adults and children attended.  That night, we camped outside of the pastor’s house.

The next day we went out to evangelize house to house where we could see God’s hand over our lives. We then led worship in the small church, about 35 people attended. We had a very special time with the Holy Spirit where all ages receive something from Him. After the service, we returned to Atoyac. And of course we spent some time swimming in its beautiful river.

On Friday morning we rested before starting a soccer tournament that will take place every Friday of this month. It was an incredible event where approximately 70 young people attended.

On Saturday morning we split up; the worship guys (Antonio, Michel, and Joshua) had rehearsals, Diana and Grecia gave kids training, Irving prepared his notes for the Sunday sermon and Dulce had rehearsal with the dance ministry of the church.

In the afternoon we started the activity “Sweet Love” which is to take the gospel to the temporary homes of the sugar cane harvesters. There are not many photos of that day as people get uncomfortable or hide if they see them being photographed, they are mostly indigenous people and they speak Nahuatl and Spanish.

Our first week in Atoyac, Veracruz was quite an adventure with meeting many people and sharing Christ’s love and message to all we met!

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