by Charles Norton | Oct 1, 2014 |
Part of the Victory Bible Institute experience involves a designated time of practicum, forming part of several church planting teams that reach new villages and ares each year. The students already use their new gained knowledge every weekend in their own villages or...
by Charles Norton | Oct 1, 2014 |
Personal ministry times are an essential part of the Bible school dynamic. Here, founder Duane Kershner, prays for and ministers to one of the students during a school gathering for worship. Accompanying him are second year students, observing and participating in...
by Charles Norton | Oct 1, 2014 |
Bible school students, along with staff and visitors, eat here in the base comedor (dining hall). The able kitchen staff provides meals for approximately 200 people three times a day! These meals, along with materials and all Bible school activities, are included in...
by Charles Norton | Oct 1, 2014 |
Besides standard bible training, students are also exposed to special training. In this case these students have undergone an intensive week long program for children's work. After completing the program they then do skits, clown acts, dramas, etc., among local and...
by Charles Norton | Oct 1, 2014 |
Quality teachers with life experience and a knowledge of God deeply rooted in the scriptures are a mainstay at the Bible school. Victory Bible Institute director, Manuel Salvador (Chavis) knows how to encourage, inspire, and instruct these hungry students, as well as...